(2012) release date: November 4th, 2012 production company: BBC, National Geographic Channel
Directed by
Colin Barr
Music Composed and Produced
Daniel Pemberton |
On 14 October 2012, Felix Baumgartner became the first man to break the sound barrier as he fell from the edge of space at an amazing top speed of 843.6 mph. His jump also broke several other records, including freefall from 127,852.4 ft. The supersonic feat caught the world's attention: 77 TV stations in over 50 countries ran the live feed; a total of 52 million views made it YouTube's all-time no. 1 live stream. Almost 1,000 papers ran the Red Bull Stratos cover story. The anniversary documentary will captivate audiences once again with images not shown in the live, global broadcast. The tale of a nerve-racking five year mission with tough flight tests, emotional roller coasters, missed deadlines, failing gear and serious glitches up to the last minute looks back through the eyes of Felix Baumgartner, Joe Kittinger and the team. Their memories combined with developments in the months since the jump describe what they have achieved -- a scientific legacy to the aerospace community worldwide and a moment in history that has changed Baumgartner's life. |
Total Time: 44:01 FSOLdigital exclusive
: TBA |
01. Space Dive - Opening
(2:11) 02. 1960, A Man In A Balloon (2:04) 03. Sketches And
Plans (2:09) 04. Felix's Dream (1:52) 05. History
(2:25) 06. Uneasy Sky (2:03) 07. Freefall (4:05) 08. A
Falling Piano (2:39) 09. The Workshop Works (2:08) 10. The Day
Before (2:02) 11. Second Launch (3:16) 12. To The Edge Of
Space (2:53) 13. Problem At 120,000ft (5:57) 14. The Jump
(2:39) 15. Going Supersonic (3:07) 16. For Those Who Dream (2:39)
Silent Sky I - IV
(FSOLdigital exclusive bonus tracks) 17. Silent Sky I
(2:29) 18. Silent Sky II (2:46) 19. Silent Sky III
(2:17) 20. Silent Sky IV (2:05)