All The Money In The
World (2017)
date: December 25th, 2017 production
company: Scott Free Productions, TriStar Productions,
RedRum Films, Imperative Entert.
Directed by Ridley Scott Screenplay
by David Scarpa Based on the Book by John
Pearson Music Composed and Produced by Daniel
Pemberton Conducted by
Andrew Skeet
Performed by Chamber Orchestra of
London, RSVP Singers and Su Tenore Santu Lussugliu (Oliena) Orchestrated by Andrew Skeet &
Nathan W. Klein Recorded by Sam Okell & Lewis Jones
Mixed by Sam Okell Recorded at Abbey Road Studios, Air Lyndhurst Studios and
Pool Studios, London Mixed at Abbey Road Studios,
London, UK
Music Editor Tony Lewis
Music Editor Arabella Winter
Preparation Jill
Streater Composer's Assistant Jonny Sims
Featured Musicians
Italian Voices Mimmino Maisola, Claudio D'Antoni, Giuseppe Sanna & Marco Marrella
Sacred Tenor Solo Christopher Bowen
Accordion Mark Bousie
Hapsichord Steven Devine
Guitars Leo Abrahams, Huw Davies & Daniel Pemberton
Drums Alex Thomas
Synopsis Rome, 1973. Masked men kidnap a teenage
John Paul Getty III. His
grandfather, Jean Paul Getty is the richest
man in the world, a billionaire oil magnate, but he's
notoriously miserly. His grandson's abduction is not
reason enough for him to part with any of his fortune.
Paul's mother Gail has consistently
chosen her children over his fortune. Getty sends
his enigmatic security man Fletcher Chace to
look after his interests, he and Gail become allies
in this race against time that reveals the true
value of love over
money. | |